• All images have text alternates (ALT attributes)

  • Pages are organized to be fully functional, even with javascript and CSS turned off

  • All text uses relative font sizes so text can be enlarged or reduced using the text size options available in Web Browsers, using the tool in the top-menu, or the access keys below.

  • The site can be navigated without the use of a mouse (see instructions below)

  • Page formatting is done with CSS not tables, and image-replacement techniques have been used extensively to ensure that the semantic structure of the information is preserved

  • This site follows World Wide Web and NZ Accessibility guidelines

Access keys for navigating this site without a mouse

0 : Navigate to the Accessibility page (this page)

1 : Navigate to the Home page.

3 : Search Box

9 : Navigate to the Contact page.

[ : Bypass the main navigation and jump to the beginning of the main content of the current page

- : Decrease Text-Size button

= : Increase Text-Size button

r : Reset Text-Size button

How to use the access keys

Microsoft Edge / Explorer
Hold down the ALT key, press the relevant access key, release, then press ENTER

Microsoft Edge / Explorer for Mac
Hold down the CTRL key and press the press the relevant access key

Netscape 6+
Hold down the ALT key and press the relevant access key at the same time.

Hold down the ALT key and SHIFT key and press the relevant access key at the same time.

Google Chrome
Hold down the ALT key and press the relevant access key at the same time.